List of Flashpoint characters

The article contains characters who have appeared on the Canadian drama/action television series Flashpoint.



The Strategic Response Unit, modeled after the Toronto Police Service's Emergency Task Force unit,[1] is responsible for high-risk situations that cannot be resolved by regular police officers such as armed criminals, explosives, hostage rescue and counter-terrorism including support to other police officers when requested. There are 5 teams in the SRU, Team 1 being the one mainly featured in the show.

Main characters

Sgt Gregory "Greg" Parker (Enrico Colantoni)

Aside from being the team's Sergeant and leader, he is a crisis negotiator. As such, he prefers that situations be resolved through dialogue instead of lethal force. He learned the art of negotiation when he was able to survive a hard life under his strict father.[2] He is divorced from his wife and became estranged from his only son because he spent too much time with the SRU years ago. As of episode 11 he had just seen his son after eight years,[2] regretting that he did not do so earlier.[3] Greg cares for not only his team, but for the lives of the innocents and those subjects who are about to make a mistake that will ruin an otherwise good life. He often puts the blame for a failed attempt to save a life solely on himself, something Ed frequently reminds him of.
A recurring theme for Greg is that he always reminds his teammates to "keep the peace" during any SRU-led operation.

Constable Ed Lane (Hugh Dillon)

The veteran of the Strategic Response Unit team, he is the team's tactical leader in the field.[4] Ed's secondary role is to act as the crisis negotiator in direct contact with the subject(s). Though he has been trained to use lethal force, Ed is constantly troubled with the fact that he needs to do so in order to save someone else's life in public.[4][5]
He has some problems with his wife of fifteen years, Sophie, and son Clark due to the nature of his job.[6] as he is more attached to his SRU colleagues. For example, when he intentionally missed the anniversary of his in-laws. Since season 4, he also has a daughter Isabelle.[7][8]

Constable Julianna "Jules" Callaghan (Amy Jo Johnson)

Before Leah joined the team, Jules was the only woman and the sign outside the women's locker room read 'Jules' rather than 'Women'. In the later episodes of season two as well as in select other episodes, Jules acts as an intelligence gatherer often alongside Sgt. Parker. This role is necessary during times in which the subject(s) need to be properly profiled, in order for the team to make the proper tactical choice. She's also the backup negotiator for Greg, and along with Ed and Sam, she is a trained sniper.[9] Prior to her transfer to the SRU, Jules had served previously as an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.[10] Jules has 4 brothers.
Jules was targeted and shot by a sniper, and was in the hospital for several weeks/episodes during the second season. During her period of recovery, she was briefly replaced by Constable Donna Sabine played by Jessica Steen, who upon the return of Jules transferred to another team within the SRU which eventually led her to become the the leader of Team 3.
Jules had been attracted to Sam ever since his recruitment to the SRU unit and the two of them dated over a period of several episodes, strengthening an already strong sense of overprotection for one another. They did however break up so they could stay with the 'family' (SRU Team 1), knowing that if their relationship was ever exposed one of them would have to transfer. Jules in particular didn't like the idea of sneaking around behind the backs of their friends and teammates.[10] In the Season 4 premiere, it was revealed that Jules and Sam were getting back together because they realized their love for each other "wasn't going to go away" and kissed at Sam's apartment. This revelation was partly due to their intense questioning about their relationship from Dr. Toth, who was performing psychological evaluations in the Season 3 finale. At the end of the Season 4 premiere, they are informed they are under strict orders from Dr. Toth to keep their relationship purely professional. As of Season 4, they are in a secret relationship that they are keeping hidden from the rest of Team 1. In the episode 'The Cost of Doing Business' (4x10) Greg Parker finds out about their relationship and after a severe conversation between the three, Greg allows to keep the relationship a secret provided their attitude doesn't change at work and they do not break the Priority of Life Code. In 'Priority of Life' (4x17) the dynamic between Jules and Sam is adressed again when Jules is locked in a room with an armed subject as the confined lab quickly fills with Anthrax. Sam has an opportunity to take a harmed hostage or Jules to safety and choses to observe the Priority of Life Code and saves the hostage. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the rest of the team, Greg Parker is being threatened by Dr.Toth with suspension because he found out about how Greg kept Jules and Sam's relationship a secret. They sees the code being observed over a video feed and Dr. Toth tells Sam he will talk to Commander Holleran and try to allow them to stay on Team One together.

Constable Sam Braddock (David Paetkau)

A former Master Corporal and ex-special forces operative of Canada's Joint Task Force 2.[11] He joined the SRU unit, replacing Roland 'Rolie' Cray, after he was involved in Afghan combat operations.[7] Due to his experience in Afghanistan, Sam believed that lethal force was the solution instead of using negotiation to resolve situations,[12] which some of his colleagues viewed with objection.[3][11] His transfer to Team 1 is received well, however and after training and guidance he becomes a valued member of the team, going out for drinks and joking with the rest of the team. He is also nicknamed "Samtastic' by Spike after he aces his first shooting practice that was being run by Jules. He mainly serves as a sniper on the team.[11] It was revealed in "Acceptable Risk" that he once had a younger sister whom he, at the age of nine, witnessed being hit by a car and killed instantly while crossing a street corner causing him to be protective of members of his team, mainly Jules. In the Season 3 finale Behind the Blue Line after the subject who Sam connected with is shot, he says he is quitting SRU but his teamates show him he is wrong and convinces him to remain on Team One.
He is attracted to Jules, and sometimes comes across as overprotective, due to her position in the team as the only female sniper.[13] In Season 1 Episode 10, he kissed Jules and offered to drive her home after he realized she blamed herself for the events of the day. After that episode, Sam and Jules are in a secret relationship for they are not allowed to date because they are on the same team. When Jules is shot, Sam is devastated and shoots the man who shot her after he takes Ed hostage. He rushes to the hospital where he holds her hand and cries saying he should've protected her. When Jules returns to the team after being shot, they break up because they "can't keep breaking the rules forever". Sam understands, and sadly agrees to end the relationship, but even after the breakup, he is seen flirting with her on various occasions. He is incredibly protective of her and always wants to keep her safe. In the Season 3 finale, he and Jules are questioned by Dr. Toth (a Psychological Examiner) about their relationship. This brings them both to the revelation that they love each other. In the Season 4 premiere, Jules shows up at his apartment and he tells her that their love or each other "isn't going to go away" and they kiss passionately. At the end of the episode they are informed they are under strict orders from Dr. Toth to keep their relationship purely professional. As of Season 4, they are in a relationship that they are keeping hidden from the rest of Team 1. In 'Priority of Life' (4x17) the dynamic between Jules and Sam is adressed again when Jules is locked in a room with an armed subject as the confined lab quickly fills with Anthrax. Sam has an opportunity to take a harmed hostage or Jules to safety and choses to observe the Priority of Life Code and saves the hostage. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the rest of the team, Greg Parker is being threatened by Dr.Toth with suspension because he found out about how Greg kept Jules and Sam's relationship a secret. They sees the code being observed over a video feed and Dr. Toth tells Sam he will talk to Commander Holleran and try to allow them to stay on Team One together.

Constable Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti (Sergio Di Zio)

Spike is on the team as a demolitions and tactical tech expert,[14] trying to learn from the older SRU veterans while at the same time working to be a successful SRU operator.[14] He is usually in charge of hi-tech intel from the van and he operates an anti-explosives robot who he calls 'Babycakes'. He is a constantly happy and optimistic young man who is allways willing to help others and is deeply touched by his job. He lives with his Mother and Father and is quite pleased to be incredibly in touch with his Italian heritage and speaks the language fluently. He was nicknamed 'Spike' because of his usually 'spikey' hair.
He and Lou were best friends and frequently paired on the field; they even made a leisure trip to Ocho Rios together. Spike tried to save Lou's life when he stepped on the landmine, however was unsuccessful. Lou's death had enormous adverse affects on Spike, as seen in several episodes following his death.
In the finale of Season 3 'Fault Lines', it is revealed that Spike's Father is sick and dying with no hope at survival. His Father is also furious and ashamed that his son is in the SRU and won't speak or make any attempt at a relationship with him until he quits. In 'Shockwave' (4x07) while attempting to disarm a bomb that would destroy an enormous part of downtown Toronto, he gets a call from his Mother. She is at the hospital with his Father - he took a turn for the worse and isn't expected to live the night. Although terribly conflicted, Spike decides to stay on the call and manages to disarm the massive bomb with seconds to spare. After hugs from his team, Spike rushes to the hospital and is greeted by his Mother who bursts into tears at the sight of him. He sits by his Father's bedside and listens to him as he finally confesses: "Michaelangelo, I'm scared." to which Spike grasps his hand and replies: "It's okay, I'm here. We're all here.". The credits roll and his Father is presumed to have passed away.
Spike is shocked when Greg quits in the middle of the finale of Season 4, saying: "Guys, did that just happen?" from the control room is apparent disbelief. He is overjoyed when Greg decides to stay on the Team as he is very loyal and hates to see the team being broken up. This is proved in 'The Good Citizen' when Greg confronts Spike about a branch of the Federal Government coming to speak to him about recruiting Spike. He is wanted by several different agencies and, as pointed out by Wordy in 'Fault Lines' "Can pick up and leave whenever he wants.". However, Spike decides to remain with the team.

Constable Rafik "Raf" Rousseau (Clé Bennett)

Raf replaced Kevin Wordsworth in the middle season 4 after Wordy leaves Team One. Raf is ambitious and eager to learn from the rest of the team, but displays a reckless streak born out of his desire to prove himself; for instance, he entered a room with a hostile subject without waiting for approval from Parker.
It was revealed in 'A Day in the Life' that his father is in jail because he attacked a teacher who sexually assulted Raf when he was in high school. He and his father are still close and he understands why his father did what he did.
Raf is a musician and plays the piano and sings.

Former characters

Roland "Rolie" Cray (Gabriel Hogan)

One of the older members of the SRU unit, he was transferred out to another unit after he had been accepted for promotion as sergeant during the pilot episode.[7]

Lewis "Lou" Young (Mark Taylor; episodes 1-23)

Serving on the team as a less-lethal weapons operator, trying to help others due to his former gangster life before he decided to reform and join the police.[15] Lewis' knowledge on street gangs was helpful to the SRU team.[16] Lou was killed in action when he stepped on a landmine while attempting to defuse a bomb on a college campus in Season 2, Episode 10, "One Wrong Move". When it became clear that any attempt to rescue him would likely result in the death of another member of the SRU, Lou sacrificed himself by activating the mine. He was Spike's best friend and was frequently paired with him on the field.
Lewis' running gag on the first episodes involved him being in charge of less-lethal weapons in any SRU-mandated operation, to his casual annoyance.

Doctor Amanda Luria (Ruth Marshall; episodes 1-17)

She serves in the SRU as the unit's psychologist, specializing in the psychology of violent criminals, hostage negotiation and PTSD. She was taken out of the series in season 2.[17]

Leah Kerns (Olunike Adeliyi; episodes 24-31)

A former firefighter. She joins the SRU after Lewis "Lou" Young's sudden death. She first appears in Season 2, Episode 11, "Never Let You Down." She's not seen after the end of season 2. In Season 3 opener, she's said to be on leave for personal reasons.

Kevin "Wordy" Wordsworth (Michael Cram; episodes 1-49)

The other married operator in the SRU along from Ed, Wordy is the team's entry tactics and CQB expert and less-lethal weapons specialist[18] aside from Lewis. He's also often in charge of acquiring visual inside the area of the operations through several type of surveillance gadgets. He has three young daughters. He left the team after revealing that he was suffering from Parkinson's Disease. Wordy is currently a detective for Guns and Gangs.

Supporting characters

Donna Sabine (Jessica Steen; episodes 14-19)

Donna was Jules' replacement after Jules took a temporary leave of absence to recover from the gunshot wound she takes in S1 finale. A former undercover narcotics agent wishing to get rid of her "mask", Donna is now a member of SRU's Team 3. She appears again in S3 finale as the leader of Team 3, running an evaluation test on Team 1.

Sophie Lane (Janaya Stephens)

The wife of Ed Lane, they have been married for sixteen years.

Kira Marlowe (Pascale Hutton)

Female SRU dispatcher working with Team 1 from episode 1 to episode 14.

Winnie Camden (Tattiawna Jones)

The second female SRU dispatcher working with Team 1 from episode 15 on (except for episodes 22, 34, and 35).

Norm Holleran (Philip Akin)

Serves as the commanding officer of the entire SRU unit.

Inspector Stainton (Bill MacDonald)

High ranking police officer who is often seen co-ordinating non-SRU police officers during SRU operations.

Peter Henderson (Stephen Amell)

Male SRU dispatcher working with Team 1 on episode 22.

Sidney Nelson (Nathan Mitchell)

Male SRU dispatcher working with Team 1 on episodes 34-35.


  1. ^ Amy Jo Johnson in the Flashpoint. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  2. ^ a b CTV's official bio of Gregory Greg Parker. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  3. ^ a b "First in Line". Flashpoint. CTV Television Network. 2008-07-18. No. 2, season 1.
  4. ^ a b CTV's official bio of Ed Lane. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  5. ^ Hugh do you think you are?. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  6. ^ A career at Flashpoint: Hugh Dillon is in demand. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  7. ^ a b c "Scorpio". Flashpoint. CTV Television Network. 2008-07-11. No. 1, season 1.
  8. ^ When Family and Job Come Into Conflict, a Policeman’s Lot Is Not a Happy One. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  9. ^ High-Stakes Drama Flashpoint Premieres July 11 on CTV. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  10. ^ a b CTV's official bio of Julianna Jules Callaghan. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  11. ^ a b c CTV's official bio of Sam Braddock. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  12. ^ "The Element of Surprise". Flashpoint. CTV Television Network. 2008-07-24. No. 3, season 1.
  13. ^ Sam: "Hey, I saw the whole thing. I'm Sam, Sam Braddock."
    Jules: "Good for you."
    Sam: "You don't see lady snipers too often; that's kind of sexy". ("Scorpio". Flashpoint. CTV Television Network. 2008-07-11. No. 1, season 1. )
  14. ^ a b CTV's official bio on Mike 'Spike' Scarlatti. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  15. ^ CTV's official bio on Lewis Lou Young. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.
  16. ^ "Attention Shoppers". Flashpoint. CTV Television Network. 2008-08-14. No. 6, season 1.
  17. ^ CTV's official bio on Doctor Amanda Luria. Retrieved on August 18, 2008
  18. ^ CTV's official bio on Kevin 'Wordy' Wordsworth. Retrieved on August 18, 2008.

External links